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10 Myths...Facts & Reports

Myth #1

Homeschool students lack social skills.

Quite the opposite is true. Study after study shows that homeschooled children are better socialized than students from public and private schools. Positive influences from family rather than peers and interaction with a wider age range, build overwhelmingly positive social skills.

Myth #2

Even if I wanted to homeschool my kids, I wouldn't be qualified.

As a society we have been trained to believe that only licensed teachers are educated enough to teach our children. This is far from the truth. Studies show that a parent’s level of education has no influence on how well their children do in home education. Parents who are enthusiastic about learning and committed to their children are what is needed. Curriculums lay out lesson plans, provide tests, and record keeping plans, in addition there are co-ops, and support groups like HSAMF, giving you everything it takes to succeed.

Myth #3

My child won’t learn as well as he/she would in a traditional school.

Traditional schools are forced to target the widest possible range of learning abilities and styles which can result in a less-than-effective educational experience for many children. Your ability as a parent to choose a teaching method and curriculum that fits the needs and abilities of your child is one of the reasons homeschooling is so successful.

Myth #4

Very few people homeschool their children.

More than two million children are homeschooled in the U.S., according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Government statistics show that the number of new homeschooling families is rising 15 to 20 percent each year.

Myth #5

Kids who are homeschooled will never get into college.

Homeschoolers are more likely to attend college (74% vs. 46% of traditional students.) Homeschoolers have higher GPA’s than their counterparts, and they score 15-30 percentile points higher above public school students on standardized test scores. Universities know that homeschooled students know how to study and are typically more self disciplined and well rounded than their counter parts in public school. On the college-entrance Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT), homeschoolers score 67 points above the national average, and homeschoolers outperform all other students on the ACT (American College Testing).

Myth #6

Homeschoolers can not join the military.

Unfortunately recruiters sometimes, knowingly or unknowingly, mislead individuals looking to enlist. Because of the cut back in military personnel numbers and the quotas that recruiters are expected to meet, homeschoolers are often times discouraged from enlisting. Read the reports and know the policy when you and your student go to the recruiting office. As a member of HSAMF you will stay connected to updated DOD policy and helpful ideas found in the member forums.

Myth #7

Homeschooled children are lonely and isolated.

The myth of isolation is easily dispelled with how frequently homeschooled children interact with others during field trips, and everyday excursions. For military families who are always on the move, loneliness, is a valid concern. It is important for the development of military children that consistency is provided in such an unstable lifestyle. Homeschooling, with its consistent curriculum, class structure, and flexibility help dispel this myth. Homeschooling is also the strongest option for military families. Homeschooling encourages children to develop strong healthy relationships with their family (see supporting article). In addition, HSAMF, with its nationwide reach, provides a lifelong connection to friends even after many moves.

Myth #8

Kids who are homeschooled won't be able to function in the "real world."

Homeschoolers spend their days in the real world, interacting with those of different age ranges, cultures, and economic levels. The misconception is that they’re sitting at home all day cut off from the world. In fact, they’re shopping, banking, interacting with others, and it’s through these interactions, that they learn to respect others, form friendships, resolve conflicts and cooperate with others. Many studies show that homeschoolers are actually better prepared to handle the realities of life because they are more confident and self-assured. They exhibit greater leadership skills and a stronger work ethic (Florida Parent-Educators Association, 2011).

Myth #9

Homeschooling requires unyielding day long devotion.

This couldn't’t be further than the truth. Homeschoolers can accomplish in a few hours what takes a typical classroom a week or more to cover. There is so much busy work and wasted time in the traditional school system. A common question among new homeschool parents is, “What were they doing in school all day?” Once these parents know how little time it takes to complete the course curriculum, they’re left wondering what was being taught during the 6-8 hours their kids were away (especially given the mountains of homework coming back each evening.)

So what do homeschoolers do with all of their free time? They explore subjects that pique their interest. They visit museums and points of interest around their communities. They work ahead, read books that appeal to them, and experience the freedom to explore in depth topics that are only minimally covered in the classroom. They also have the time to do what kids are supposed to do – play (Florida Parent-Educators Association, 2011).

Myth #10

Homeschooling is not the place for struggling learners or children who have difficulty learning?

Traditional schools are set up to service the needs of the general public, home education can be tailored to personalize the learning process. Children with any form of learning difficulty can get an education tailored to them. There are an abundance of resources and support for parents schooling children in this category both through the military, support groups

Infinite Learning & Achievement

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